Sony HDR-HC9 Camcorder User Manual

If you run into any problems using your
camcorder, use the following table to
troubleshoot the problem. If the problem
persists, disconnect the power source and
contact your Sony dealer.
• Overall operalions/Easy Handycam/
Remote Commander .............................. 78
• Batteries/Power sources ........................ 79
LCD screen/viewfinder ......................... 79
Cassette tapes/"Memory Stick Duo".....80
Recording .............................................. 81
Playback ................................................ 83
Playing back on TV ............................... 84
Dubbing/Editing/Connecting to other
devices ................................................... 84
Connecting to a computer ..................... 85
Functions that cannot be used together
............................................................... _5
The power does not turn on.
Attach a charged battery pack to the
camcorder (p. 13).
Use the AC Adaptor to comlect to a wall
outlet (wall socket) (p. 13).
The camcorder does not operate
even when the power is set to on.
Disconnect the AC Adaptor from the wall
outlet (wall socket) or remove the battery
pack, then reconnect it after about 1 minute.
Press the RESET button (p. 104) using a
sharp-pointed object (If you press the
RESET button, all settings are reset, except
Personal Menu items).
Buttons do not work.
During Easy Handycam opel;ition_ not all
buttons are limctional (p. 22).
Settings change during Easy
Handycam operation.
During Easy H mdycam operation, the
settings of the lhnctions that are not
displayed on the screen return totheir
defaults (p. 22, 40).
The menu item settings have
changed unexpectedly.
• The following settings return to the def:lult
settings automatically when you set the
POWER switch to OFF (CHG) for more
Ihan 12hours.
The camcorder gets warm.
• The camcorder may get warmer while you
use it. This is not a malfunction.
The supplied Remote Commander
does not function.
• Set [REMOTECTRLI to [ON] (p. 60).
Remove any obstructions between the
Renlote Commander and the renlote sensor.
• Keep strong light sources, such as sunlight
or overhead lighting, away from the remote
sensor, otherwise the Remote Commander
may not Rmction properly.
• Insert a fresh batteU in the compartment
with its +_ tenninals matching those of the
compartment (p. 106).