Sony HDR-HC9 Camcorder User Manual

You can print ottt pictures using a
PictBridge conlpliant printer without
coonecting tile camcorder to a conlputer.
Connect your camcorder to tile AC Adaptor
to obtain power from the wall outlet/wall
socket) (p. 13).
htsert tile "Memory Stick Duo" containing
still images into yottr camcorder and turn
on tile printer.
1 Slide the POWER switch
repeatedly to turn on the PLAY/
EDIT lamp.
2 Connect the _ (USB) jack of your
camcorder to the printer using
the USB cable.
[USB SELECT] appears on tile screen
3 Touch [PictBridge PRINT].
When connection iscomplele, _[1
(PiclBridge connecling) appears ()11
[he sc FL'L'n.
Olle of lhe images slered Olllhe
"Memory Stick Duo" will be displayed.
4 Select the image to be printed
with 1_7/[_.
5 Touch _ -+ [COPIES].
6 Select the number of copies to be
printed with r_7/[3_.
A maxilmun ol 20 copies of the image
can be prinled.
7 Touch I0_ -+* [END].
To print tiledale/time on tileinlage.
touch_ -+ [DATE/TIME]-+
[[)ATE] or[DAY&TIME] -...+lug].
8 Touch [EXEC] ---* [YES].
When printing is finished. [Printing... ]
disappears and tile image selection
screen appears again.
To finish printing
Touch lEND] on tile image selection
0 Notes
We cannotguarantee tileoperation ofnlodels
thal arc nol PictBridgeconlpatible.
Rel_:ralso to tileoperating instructionslbr tile
printer to be used.
Donotattempt the lolh)wingoperations when
[] is on tilescreen.Tileoperations may notbe
Opel'alethe POWERswitch.
Disconnect theUSBcable fiom lheprinter or
your Calllcorder,
Remove the"Memory Slick Duo" fl'omyour
Iftheprinter slops working, disconnect theUSB
cable,turn theprinter off and on again and
restart the opcrafion b'omthe beginning.
Someprinters may cut off lelL rigllL lop and
lower paris of the image. Especially, wllcnthe
image is recorded with a 16:9(wide) ratio, lelt
and right parts maybe largely cut off.
Someprinter models maynot support the date/
time prinling flmction.Ret)-rto yourprinter's
operating instruclions lbr details.
Continued._ 71