Sony HDR-HC9 Camcorder User Manual

Maistssasss ass p_÷sa_[tisss {gsstiss÷_}
About the required i.LINK cable
Use tile Sony i.LINK 4-pin-to-4-pin cable
(during HDV/DV dubbing).
x.v.Color is a more l_,miliar term R_rtim xvYCC
standard proposed by Sony, and is a trademark
of Sony.
xvYCC is an international standard lot color
space in video. This standard can express a
wider color range than tile currently used
broadcast standard.
Do nol u_ or sIor_"tile camcorder and
accessories in the lbllowing locations.
Anywhere extremely hot or cold. Never leave
thmn exposed tit temperatures above 60 °C
(140 °F). such as under direct sunligla, near
heatep, or in a car parked in tile sun. They
may mallunction or become delormed.
Near strong magnetic fields or mechanictd
vibration. The camcorder may mallunction.
Near strong radio waves or radiation. The
camcorder may not be able tit record properly.
Near AM receivers and video equipment.
Noise lnay Occur.
On a sandy beach or anywhere dusty. If sand
or dust gets ill your camcorder, it may
malflmction. Somelimes lhis mallhnction
cannot be repaired.
Near windows or outdoors, whm'e the LCD
scream, the vicwfinder, or the lens may be
exposed to direct sunligla. This damages the
inside of the viewfinder or llle LCD screen.
Anywhere very humid.
Operale your camcordcr on DC 6.8 V/7.2 V
(battely pack) or DC 8.4 V (AC Adaptor).
For DC or AC operation, use tile accessories
recommended in lhese operaling inslructions.
Do not lel your camcordcr get wcl. lbr example.
tronl rain or sea waler. If your calncorder gets
wel, it may nlalflmction. Sometimes lhis
malfunction cannol be rcpaired.
If any solid ot_iect or liquid gets inside lhe
closing, unplug your camcorder and have il
checked by a Sony dealer belbre operating il
ally lhlr hm-.
Avoid rough handling, disassembling,
modilying, physical shock, or impacl such as
hammering, dropping or stcpping on lhe
produo. Be particularly carclul of tile lens.
Keep lhe POWER switch selling lit OFF/CHG)
when you arc not using your calncorder,
Do nol wrap your camcorder with a towel, lor
example, and operate it. Doing so migla cause
Ileal to buikl up inside.
When disconnecting the power cord/mains
lead), pull it by the plug and nol the cord.
Do nol damage the power cord/mains lead)
such as by placing anylhing heavy on il.
Keep melal contacts clean.
Keep tile Rcmole Commander and button-lype
battery out of children's reach. If the battely is
accidentally swallowed, consu]l a doctor
If the battery electrolytic liquid has leaked.
consull your local authorized Sony selwice
wash oH ally liquid lhal inzlyhave conlacted
your skin.
if any liquid gets in your eyes. wash with
plenly of water and consull a doclor.
I Whennotusingyourcamcorderfora
Periodically turn on tile camcorder and play a
cassette litr about 3 minutes.
Use up tile baltery pack completely belore
storing it.
If your camcorder isbrought directly from a
cold place to a warm place, moisture may
condense inside your camcorder, on the
surface of the tape. or on the lens. Ill this
state, the tape may stick to the head drttm
and be damaged or your camcorder may not
operate correctly. If there is moisture inside
your camcorder. [[!tA Moisture
condensation. Eject the cassette] or [[1[t
Moisture condensation. Turn off for IH.]
appears. The indicator will not appear when
the nloisture condeuses ou the ]ells.