34 Printing From Start to Finish
2. Open the Format for menu and select your printer.
3. Open the Paper Size menu and select the size of the paper you loaded. Then select
the source setting from the submenu for that size.
■ For prints on paper loaded in the sheet feeder with borders around the image,
select just a paper size in the menu or submenu.
■ For borderless prints on paper loaded in the sheet feeder, select a size with
Sheet Feeder - Borderless as the source.
■ For prints with borders around the image on paper loaded in the single sheet
guide, select a size with
Manual - Roll as the source.
■ For borderless prints on paper loaded in the single sheet guide, select a size
with Manual - Roll(Borderless) as the source.
Select Stylus Photo R2400
Select your document or
image orientation
Choose a
Choose the
paper size