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6-12 Accessing Camera Images
named based on the data in the text boxes. Note that the “.TIF”
suffix is automatically added to the file name: do not type the
period or “TIF” in the N
AME area.
D. Click the RENAME button; the driver renames all selected images,
and returns you to the driver image window.
3. (Optional) Annotate an image. Click a single image and then type
descriptive material in the annotation window; edit as needed, then
click outside the annotation window (or press Enter) to leave the
annotation window.
The data in the image information window is displayed automatically
by the driver.
The number of characters in the annotation window plus the number
of characters in the image information window must total 255 or less.
Some cameras display more lines in the image information window
than others; for this reason, with some cameras you may not be able
to fill the annotation window with your text. However, you can delete
some lines from the image information window by clicking on the line
(to select the entire line), and pressing the delete key on the keyboard.
This works to delete all lines except for these image information lines:
Camera; Serial #; Width; Height; Date; and Time.