
6 If you do not change the program folder name, click
7 Check the contents, and then click “Next”.
If your PC uses Windows
2000 Professional a
message announcing “READ ONLY FILE
DETECTION MESSAGE” will appear: Click “No”.
Proceed with installation, following the instructions
on screen.
8 A message for verifying whether a shortcut icon is to
be created on desktop will appear:
If you want to create one, click “Yes”. If not , choose
Installation will start.
9 Choose the restart option, and then click “Finish”.
If your PC uses Windows
2000 Professional/
XP Home Edition/XP Professional, set the user name
to “Administrator (computer's manager)” (or user
name with equivalent authorization), log on to PC, and
then install the software (if you do not have
authorization, consult your system manager.).
When using DVD-MovieAlbumSE software on
2000 Professional/XP Home Edition/
XP Professional, log on to your PC as Administrator
with a login name equally authorized. If you log on with
a login name other than Administrator, you can not
use DVD-MovieAlbumSE.
You can not use DVD-MovieAlbumSE to handle an
AVI file in DV format with no sound.
When starting DVD-MovieAlbumSE, Mount
Information window may appear or the recorded
movies may not be shown. If this has occured, try the
following procedure.
1.Click “Preference”, and then “Device setting”.
2.Select the drive in which the DVD-RAM disc is
inserted in the “Drive Select” column, click "OK".
“Preference” tab