WiLife DVS-110I Security Camera User Manual

Setting System Options LukWerks User Guide
This is a rarely needed and used tool. It searches the current video path (e.g. the default C:\LukWerks video)
for any video files that are not currently associated with a camera. This is possible if you have recently added,
remove, or changed cameras. To use this tool, follow these instructions:
1) Go to the Setup > Advanced dialog.
2) Locate the Video Maintenance section and click the FIND ORPHAN CLIPS button.
If Werks finds any of these orphaned video files, it reports its findings to you, prompting you to allow Werks to
create a camera to associate with these stored video files.
If Werks doesnt find any orphaned video files (most common), a message displays informing you of this fact.
Click OK to close out of the message.