Operating Instructions
[For assistance : 1-800-272-7033] 59
d. Secondary Time is only active outside of the time period established
for Primary Time. Please check Enable, when you use.
It can select the Buffering Image Resolution and Quality. Same as
Image setting of [Alarm].
The Image buffer of Primary and Secondary can be set up. Same as
Image setting of [Trigger setting Alarm].
You can select Transfer Method. Please select only one method.
Non Transfer (Buffer only)
It is possible to use the [Primary], [Secondary] on Buffering image
i. FTP : File Transfer Protocol
Please set the following items.
Server Address* or Host Name**, Port No.***, Login ID for access to the
FTP server**, Password for access to the FTP server**, Upload File
Name at full pass**.
*: Same as the character setting of IP Address.
**: Can not use [Space], ["], ['], [#], [&], [%], [=], [+], [?], [<], [>], [:] (only
ASCII character codes 33-126)
***: Numeral characters only (1-65535)
Over write setting
It is possible to select from [Over Write to Fix Upload File Name] or [Add
time stamp to Upload File Name].
j. Mail :
Please setting the following items.
Server Address* or Host Name**.
From (Reply)***: Enter the e-mail address of [from]. You can enter here
same as [To] when you have just one e-mail address.
To ***: Enter the e-mail address of receiver of e-mail.
Subject & Text ****: Subject and Text of transmitting e-mail.
*: Same as the character setting of IP Address.
**: Can not use [Space], ["], ['], [#], [&], [%], [=], [+], [?], [<], [>], [:] (only
ASCII character codes 33-126)
***: Can not use [Space], ["], ['], [#], [&], [%], [=], [+], [?], [<], [>], [:] (only
ASCII character codes 33-126) and need the [@] and domain name of
e-mail, such as [text] + [@] + [text] + [.] + [text] .
****: Can not use ["], ['], [#], [&], [%], [=], [+], [?], [<], [>], [:] (only ASCII
character codes 32-126).
Select the each parameter.
• To reset the current settings, click .