The primary goal of all camera development is of course the seamless and unobtrusive
production of superb images, regardless of situation. Hasselblad cameras have abilities
and features that you may not think you need yet; each individual has their own way
of working. But the H4D has tremendous scope for ne-tuning your technique possibly
beyond your present ambitions.
Take your time to learn the intricacies and potentials of your new camera. Go at your own
pace and explore the possibilities when you feel ready for the next step. Results will be
good from the word go, that’s guaranteed, but when you want to make improvements or
work more eciently perhaps, the H4D will take care of it.
The supreme Hasselblad potential is there, it’s up to you to exploit it!
Impressive new features:
Moiré removal
Even very high resolution images
can exhibit moiré under certain
circumstances. With the new Phocus,
moiré is effectively removed without the
need to make special mask selections or
other manual procedures. Moiré removal
is performed directly on the raw data.
New metadata (GPS, etc)
The metadata included in Phocus images
follows the IPTC Core standard with XMP.
We have also added GPS data functions
in order to allow a number of new func-
tions. Phocus links GPS data directly
to Google Earth, making geographic
reference a snap and image storage and
retrieval much easier.
Hasselblad DSLR camera
Any photographer knows that the more
prepared you are for a shoot, the more
likely things are to go according to plan
once in the field or on the shoot. Phocus is
designed to make pre-planning easier than
ever before, allowing you to pre-set camera
parameters and folders and the like.
New tethered operation control
Phocus also provides extended control
of your Hasselblad camera, including
control of the lens drive for focusing
when the camera is in a remote position
or the digital capture unit is mounted on
a view camera.
Improved GUI
The GUI includes straightforward options
for customizing your set-up to suit a
number of different workflow situations,
such as choice of import source, brows-
ing/comparing functions, file manage-
ment, image export in a range of file
formats, pre-set of options for coming
shoots, and much more.
Improved Views
In addition, the Phocus view section
allows layout and composition to be
tailored to suit the current workflow, pro-
viding a wide range of options including
full view, compare, browse, horizontal
or vertical view, and so on. Multiple
folders can be open at the same time for
simultaneous viewing, comparison and
Please ensure you are using the latest version (version 2.5.1 or later) of Phocus for optimum performance. Visit the Phocus section of the
Hasselblad website for more information.
A smooth, reliable and competent digital workow is crucial in a
working environment. The best medium format digital captures in
the world should be handled in a qualied and procient manner
to provide the last links in the chain. Phocus by Hasselblad does
just that.
• Hasselblad’sNaturalColorSolution(HNCS)enablesyoutoproduceoutstanding
• AcustomHasselbladrawfileformatcalled3FRAW(3FR)developedtoincorporate
• DigitalLensCorrection(DAC)todiminishcoloraberration,distortionandvignet-
• Filecompression,whichreducesthefilesizeby33%.
• 3FRfilescanbeopeneddirectlyinAppleorAdobeimagingenvironments.
• Uncompromisingimagequality.
• Extendedcameracontrolswhentethered.Includeslivevideoandfocusing.
• Moiréremovaltechnologyautomaticallyapplieddirectlyontherawdata.
• Flexibleworkflow.Allowscustomizedset-ups.
• Extendedmetadata.