EN Define Symbol Set 10-5
The following abbreviations are used to define the data type of each
field in the symbol set header:
Header Size (UI)
Set the header size to the size of the header data — the number
of bytes from Header Size (byte 0) to the last byte just before the
beginning of the Symbol Map data bytes. This value is 18 or greater.
Font Header Field Data Type Notation
(B) : Boolean (0, 1)
(UB) : Unsigned Byte (0 . . 255)
(SB) : Signed Byte (-128 . . 127)
(UI) : Unsigned Integer (0 . . 65535)
(SI) : Signed Integer (-32768 . . 32767)
(ULI) : Unsigned Long Integer (0 . . 2
(SLI) : Signed Long Integer (-2
. . 2
(ASCxx) : ASCII string array (0 . . xx-1) of