EN Introduction 16-1
Status Readback
This chapter describes the PCL status readback features.
PCL status is requested from the printer with the commands
described in this chapter. Following a status request, the printer
generates a status response. This response consists of ASCII
data which is sent directly from the printer, through the I/O, back
to the host. Status readback allows you to obtain information
from the printer such as: available printer (user) memory,
current available fonts and symbol sets, and the ID numbers
of downloaded macros and user-defined patterns to verify
their presence.
The contents of this chapter are listed below:
z Introduction
• Memory Status Request
• Entity Status Request
z Status Response Syntax
z Set Status Readback Location Type Command
z Set Status Readback Location Unit Command
z Inquire Status Readback Entity Command
z Entity Status Responses
• Font Extended
• User-Defined Pattern
•Symbol Set
z Entity Error Codes
z Free Space Command
• Memory Status Response
• Memory Error Response