HP (Hewlett-Packard) PCL Photo Scanner User Manual

11-60 Soft Font Creation EN
Character Descriptor and Data Format for
Intellifont Scalable Fonts
The character header contains a block of bytes that identify character
outline data. Table 11-40 and Table 11-41 show the format of the
Intellifont scalable character descriptor and data
Table 11-40 Intellifont Scalable Character Descriptor and
Data Format
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0
0 Format (10) Continuation (0)
1. Continuation is supported for classes 1, 2, 3 and 15 only.
2 Descriptor Size Class (3)
4 Contour Character Data: (in bytes)
M see Table 11-41 for Contour Character Data
#–2 Reserved (0) Checksum
2. These bytes appear only on the last continuation.
Table 11-41 Intellifont Scalable Contour Data Format
Byte 15 (MSB) 8 7 (LSB) 0
4 Contour Data Size
6 Metric Data Offset
8 Character Intellifont
Data Offset
10 Contour Tree Offset
12 XY Data Offset
Metric Data
Character Intellifont Data