Auto Rotate
Select On to automatically display pictures in the correct
orientation during playback.
Movies, pictures shot with Continuous Mode set to S-Cont or M-
Cont, and pictures taken with the camera upside down or tilted
sharply forward or back are not rotated for display in the picture
display. Pictures are not rotated during slide shows, in multi-frame
playback, or when displayed on a TV, nor are they rotated when
the camera is upside down or if the camera is rotated during play-
back zoom or while skew correction is in progress.
During bracketing or when recording pictures with Continuous
selected for Continuous Mode, the camera only records the ori-
entation for the first photograph in each series. The remaining
photographs will not be displayed in the correct orientation if the
camera was rotated during shooting.
Level Setting
Choose tilt indicator settings (page 27).