Auto Bracket
Vary exposure, white balance, or color to record two or
three images “bracketing” current settings.
ON ±0.3
Each time the shutter-release but-
ton is pressed, the camera takes
three photos: one underexposed
by 0.3 EV, a second at current ex-
posure settings, and a third over-
exposed by 0.3 EV. Choose when
you find it difficult to judge the
correct exposure.
Display after shooting
ON ±0.5
As above, except that the camera varies exposure by 0.5 EV with
each shot instead of 0.3 EV.
The camera records three copies
of each photo: one with a “warm,”
reddish cast, a second at the white
balance currently selected in the
shooting menu (page 79), and a
third with a “cool,” blueish cast.
Choose when you find it difficult to
select the correct white balance.
Display after shooting
Record photos in both black-and-white and color or in black-
and-white, color, and tinted monochrome (page 71).
The current selection is shown by
an icon in the picture display.
• Bracketing is not available when an option other than Off is se-
lected for Continuous. White balance bracketing is not available
when shooting monochrome photographs.
White balance bracketing and color bracketing are not available when
a RAW-quality option is selected for Picture Quality/Size (page 57).
• The flash turns off automatically when bracketing is in effect.
• Auto white balance is used in place of Multi-P AUTO when ex-
posure bracketing is in effect.