Emerson 54e pH/ORP Photo Scanner User Manual

The Model 54e when configured as a pH analyzer,
requires a dual (glass and reference) impedance pre-
amplifier (patent pending). This preamp converts the
high impedance pH glass electrode signal to a low
impedance signal. The preamplifier may be located in
one of three areas: 1) in the pH sensor for best per-
formance, 2) in a remote junction box when process
temperatures exceed 80°C (176°F) in submersion
applications, or 3) in the analyzer when the distance
between the pH sensor and the analyzer is 4.5 meters
(15 feet) or less.
The Model 54e pH measures over the full range of 0-
14 pH. The current output may be calibrated to repre-
sent any 1 to 14 pH span.
A two-point calibration is made by immersing the sen-
sor in two different buffer solutions and entering the
pH values. When two buffers are used, the micro-
processor automatically calculates the electrode slope
which is used for self-diagnostics. The electrode slope
can be read on the display and manually adjusted. A
one-point process standardization is easily accom-
plished by entering the pH value of a grab sample.
Measurement Range: 0 to 14 pH
Output Scale Expansion: Zero suppression: up to 13
pH units
Span: Any pH from 1 to 14
Accuracy: ± 0.01 pH
Repeatability: ± 0.01 pH
Stability: ± 0.01 pH/month, non-cumulative
Temperature Coefficient: Input: ± 0.003 pH/°C
Output: ± 0.006 pH/°C
Temperature Compensation
: Pt 100 or Pt 1000 RTD,
Automatic or Manual
–15 to 120°C (5 to 248°F)
Model 320B Flow Through pH
Model 320HP High Purity pH
*Model 328A Steam Sterilizable pH
*Model 370 and 371 EuroSenz pH
Model 381+ Insertion/Submersion/Flow Through pH
*Model 389 Disposable pH
*Model 396/VP Disposable pH
Model 396P/VP Disposable pH
Model 396R/VP Retractable pH
Model 397 Quik Disconnect pH
Model 398/VP Insertion/Submersion pH
*Model 398R/VP Retractable pH
*Model 399 Disposable pH
*Model Hx338 Steam Sterilizable pH
*Model Hx348 Steam Sterilizable pH
The Model 54e when configured as an ORP
analyzer, measures over a range of -1400 mV to
+1400 mV in either the American convention
(Oxidation Reduction Potential), or the European con-
vention (Reduction Oxidation-Redox). Although tem-
perature compensation is not used for ORP
measurements, the process temperature is measured
and displayed. Temperature measurement is made by
an RTD located in the sensor assembly.
Measurement Range: –1400 to +1400 mV
Output Scale Expansion: Zero suppression: up to
±1300 mV
Span: Any ORP range from 100 to 2800 mV
Accuracy: ± 1.0 mV
Repeatability: ± 1.0 mV
Stability: ± 1.0 mV/month, non-cumulative
Temperature Coefficient: Input: ± 0.2 mV/°C
Output: ± 0.4 mV/°C
Temperature Measurement: –15 to 120°C (5 to 248°F)
Pt 100 or Pt 1000 RTD
Model 330 Flow Through ORP
*Model 371 EuroSenz ORP
Model 381+ Insertion/Submersion/Flow Through ORP
Model 389 Disposable ORP
Model 396P Disposable ORP
Model 396R Retractable ORP
Model 398 Insertion/Submersion ORP
Model 398VP Insertion/Submersion with VP 6.0 connector
Model 398R Retractable ORP
Model 398RVP Retractable ORP with VP 6.0 connector
The Model 54e when ordered for ISE capability,
is suitable for use with a number of ion-selective elec-
trodes. Consult the factory for available measure-
ments and ranges.