Turn Off Secrets and Tokens Database for Domino
By default, Domino tries to use the Sametime Secrets and Tokens authentication. If you want to enable
Domino to use SSO, you must turn this off. Although not technically required, it is strongly recommend
that you do this because SSO is a critical new support feature across all of the products starting in version
6.5, including the Notes client. To convert to SSO:
1. Add the following line to the Directory Server Notes.ini file:
2. Save the notes.ini file.
3. Continue to the next section before restarting the Directory Server.
Copy Key Files Between the Directory and Sametime Servers
Certain files must be copied between the Directory Server and Sametime Connect Server in order for
presence awareness to work.
Copy the stlinks folder (and all its contents) from the Sametime Connect Server to a folder with the
same name and the same relative location on the Directory Server; see the following example:
This folder name is not case-sensitive. Because there are so many files in this folder, it is easiest to select
the folder and copy it and its contents all at once.
The stlnks folder may already exist on the Directory Server. However, its content may be different
from that of the Sametime Connect Server. Therefore, it's important to perform this step.
IMPORTANT: Restart the Directory Server to activate these changes.
Client Configuration
Each user must enable instant messaging when they access their mail on the Directory Server:
1. Access the e-mail file on the Directory Server with a browser. Use one of the test users defined
previously, see the following example:
On the upper left corner of the screen, you should see a blue bar with two messages, "Welcome,
Logged in as tuser1" followed by an x symbol with " IM Disconnected."
2. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click the Preferences link.
3. Click the Basics tab in the navigation panel and then select Enable Instant Messaging in the
Instant Messaging section.
4. Click OK.
Now you should see on the upper left corner of the screen the x symbol with the text "IM Disconnected" to
a circle before the text "IM Disconnected."
35 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide