The rest of these examples present the different views in the portal that the employees have, depending
on their role.
Collaboration Scenario
Collaboration addresses many aspects of communication within the business environment including e-
mail, instant messaging, and online e-meetings. Collaboration enables virtual teams to form and dissolve
as needed to tackle business problems and effectively manage projects.
Online e-meetings are especially useful for participants in different locations. Using e-meetings replaces
the need for costly travel and face-to-face meetings. E-meetings improve communications among offices
that are often spread across a wide area. A regional manager, for example, can save time by running
weekly status updates through an e-meeting, saving significant commute time and having to repeat the
same information at each location.
This demonstration illustrates instant messaging and online e-meetings.
Instant Messaging for Immediate Help
This part shows someone who needs help using PeopleFinder to locate a specific person or a person with
a specific skill. As part of locating that person, they look at the organization structure (to ensure they
have the right person) and then use the context-sensitive menu to ping that person. Kristen's next task is
to communicate the new vacation policy to the store managers. She sets up an e-meeting to do this, but
she needs to contact a regional director to determine a good time to do this. She can't remember the
name of the regional director she needs to contact, so she searches on job title.
This section demonstrates the following:
● How to search the employee profiles for a specific person
● How a contact a person using instant messenger
Search the Employees Directory for a Specific Person
The following steps demonstrate how you can search the employee directory for a specific person.
1. Log in to the portal as Vic Sargent.
2. On another client, log in to the portal as HR Advisor, Kristen Baker.
3. The People Finder portlet appears on all the Collaboration pages. Change the drop-down menu
to Job Title and enter Operations Analyst in the Search for field. Then click the Search
(magnifying glass) icon.
4. The search returns William Woolf. Click William's name and select Show in Organization View
to show his management chain.
Contact an Employee using IBM Lotus Sametime Connect (Sametime)
The following steps demonstrate how you can contact another employee using IBM Lotus Sametime
Connect (Sametime).
1. When Kristen sees that Vic Sargent manages Williams's department, she is sure that Vic is the
right person. Do a search by name for Sargent. In the results, click on Vic Sargent's name and
select Add to Sametime list. In the pop-up window, enter a new group if desired or select an
existing group and click OK. Refresh the page so Vic's name shows up in the Sametime Contact
list. Vic is active in Sametime, so Kristen decides to send him an instant message. Click Vic's
name to open a Chat window.
2. Type When would be a good time to set up the e-meeting about the new
vacation policy?
52 Collaborative Portal: Implementation Guide