■ Cautions concerning condensation
œ Using the digital disk camera with condensation inside it may damage the digital disk camera.
Be careful of condensation under the
following conditions
œ When moving the digital disk camera
suddenly from a cold place to a warm place.
œ When the ambient temperature changes
drastically, such as when a heater is turned
on to quickly heat the room.
œ When the digital disk camera is placed in the
path of cool air from an air conditioner.
œ When the digital disk camera is placed in a
location of high humidity.
If condensation seems likely to form
œ Place the digital disk camera in a plastic bag
and seal it, and then wait until the digital
disk camera has reached the ambient
■ Cautions concerning undesired interference
œ The digital disk camera or AC adapter/charger may create undesired interference if used close
to a television or radio. To reduce the amount of undesired interference emitted, cores are
attached to the supplied AV cable and the DC cord of the AC adapter/charger. Do not remove
these cores. Also, when using the supplied microphone or IEEE1394 cable, attach one of the
supplied cores as shown below.
Supplied AV cable
Supplied AC adapter/charger
When using the supplied microphone or
IEEE1394 cable
œ Attach a supplied core as shown below.
1 Make a loop in the cord just behind the
2 Close the core.
œ Be careful not to pinch the cord with
the core when closing the core.
Ferrite core (small)
Ferrite core (small)
Approx. 5 cm
Approx. 5 cm
Ferrite core (large)