Better Light 7 Digital Camera User Manual

Tone Curve Histogram
While the Tone panel is active, a histogram of the image data appears in a gray color in the tone
curve graph. e shape of this histogram is different from the one in the main window because it is
based on the raw 14-bit image data, not the converted 8-bit data shown in the prescan image. e
tone curve histogram does not change when the Normalize Histogram option is turned on or off in
the Display menu. is histogram does not change with a change in crop area but will change with
tone or exposure changes.
Selecting an Output Tone Scale
e grayscale used to represent the output value scale on the left side of the tone graph can be
used to change the way the tone graph is represented. By default, the tone graph is shown with dark
output values toward the bottom of the graph, light values near the top. Clicking on the grayscale will
change the graph to show light values near the bottom of the graph and dark values near the top. is
will not invert the image. As you may note, when the scale is inverted, the curve also inverts, so the
relationship of output values to input EV values remains the same; only the graph is changed.
Setting the EV Scale Reference
e zero position on the EV scale can be set to any position within the range of the camera. is
is accomplished by clicking and dragging the zero point on the scale to any position, left or right,
within the graph. is new position will be the reference point for the EV readout in the tone graph
and the live spot meter display above the histogram in the main window. Once the zero position
has been moved, it remains at the new position until moved again or ViewFinder™ is quit. When
ViewFinder™ is quit, the EV scale zero point will be reset to its default position when ViewFinder™ is
restarted (the EV scale zero point is not saved in the Preferences file).
When using the contrast adjustment buttons on the Tone tab panel, you can hold the
Option key down and it will pivot the curve at the zero position of the EV scale.
All live spot meter readings in the prescan can be easily referenced to a particular point with this
feature. Select the reference point in the prescan image and set a static spot at the point. en posi
tion the zero point on the tone curve graph EV scale to the spot meter reference point marked by the
colored square on the tone curve. All live meter readings will now be relative to the marked static spot
meter. e meter can be cleared with the Clear Meter command and subsequent live meter readings
will continue to be relative to the previously marked spot.