Hitachi DZ-MV580A Digital Camera User Manual

Before You Begin
* Bo sure.,to uso tho AC odoptortoha_or to powor the DVD video o_lrnoroi
r_ccrdor for [nitializ_ltiorr.If tho DVD vidoo camcm/rc..'cordcr is fomod off
during initialization _lnd tho [nitializ_ltJorris [ntorruptod, inccrroct
iniU_llizotiorl will r_sult _lnd tho incorrectly irfitiolizcd disc will bc unusablo.
Press tlle I)[SC NAVIGATION buttozL
2 Press tile MENU button.
3 C?_oose "Porrrlat ])tsc _or "Format Card" ozlthe
"])isc" or "(_J" ]neltzlscreen, aridtheIi _jrt?_
the I_111bu'_or],
The screeri _br verifyir_g "_or_n;_t DTsc" or
"_orrnat Card _wtl] a_pear,
4 c ,oose..YPs-.t}_en press the I_111 brd_olI.
C_oose "NO" to c_lcel [rfit[_at[orL
i_]h ert using
_}I_RAM 6is¢1
i_VheeUSie0 ca_)
Itlitia]iz_Uon willtJe]etoallthe re_rde_ _to_ O1disc
or card: Be c_reful _ot 1odelete tJat_by mistake.
I]o _ure to use the AC _ttJap_or/cha_e_ who _ i_ilktlizi_l
disc Or c_rd _o theirUlo DVD vitJoocamer_L_recorder is
_ot tomed offmidway. If it_iti_liz_on is imerrLip_ed by
powe _off, the discor c_'_rfJwill oct be initialized ¢orrecUy,
or ii may be _ama_le_.
It may not be possible to initialize a di_ with many
scratches or di_: Such a tJi_¢cam_ot I_e _setJ (E82].
I_yoLt use a bran,-new DVD-I_ disc, message _Di_¢ is
_o1formatted" will _pbear: Initialize the disc, follc_ving
Iho SLtb_eqLteot mess_t_es (1_45).
This DVD vi_eo came_a,'_e¢ordor may _ot recognize
some _i_¢s Or cards Ihat h_ve beet1 inifializetJ o_ PC o_
a tJevic_othor than Uli_ DVD video ¢_me_irecorde_
I_#oLta_temlx to initialize _ tJiscorc_rdin this DVD vidoo
camer_'_ecordor whe_ it is connected to F'C via PC
cotl_e¢_io_ cablo, tho disc o _card may _o_be itliti_tlized
and may be un_ble On Ulis DVD video c_me_i
Whe_ i_t taliz_g one side of the disc _s
co: r_plete, the DVI] video cantata/record erwt 1]
return to tile recordi_g pause status,