Setting Video Flash (for DZ-MV580A)
See "#ttroduction to Optioltal Accessories" on page 157.
When recordirlg sti]lsirI a dark _lace, or the s_lbject
ks1_ from rear, it is recorr_nended t]_at you use tile
opfion_ I_Z-_LH3 _ddeo _3ash*(E 157): Refer to
the irlstzuctio_] JrJ_rJ_al of Video _las_J for use,
AUTO No display A_ltor r alically
emits lighi irT_ark
_l_[ce or in a pl_[c_e
lit from rear.
ON L AJw_y8 orrils light
regardless of
OFF _ No lighi emission
Unusable on ])Z-MV550A,
• Howe,_er, tJark 8_bje_'_ may not be in clear fo¢_$ even
if the Vi_ec Flash is LmetJ.I1is recommen_etJ that yo_
light a _Libject wl_en recer_ieg in a dark place.
• "_" will blink willie the vi_ec fTa_l_is I_ein_ cha_ed.
• Wl_ile "_ _i_fishing, the vitJeo flash will not emit light.
thotlgh the DVD _amora,,recer_Je r is recortJin_.
DO eat _e the Video Flash whee approachin_ the
h_mat_ eye. Emitting light _om VitJeo Fl_h _oar at.llat_
eye _ul_ dama£e the _t_ eye_i£ht. Especially
when recording a baby or small ¢J_ild.move the DVD
video ¢anle_'recorder at le_t _ m away.
• DO_at _e the Video Flash while _ointi_g it at a tJriver i_
vehicle: Doing so _1_ dazzle the driver, _a_si_g a_
• DO ilat L_e the Video Flail1 in a place wllere there i_
fl_nlnlablo or explosive _$: I_oi11__o_uId ¢aL_Ofire or