Notes and Safety Instructions
Television programs,video tapes, DVD titles,films, and otherprogram materials may be copyrighted.
Unauthorizedcopying of copyrighted materialmay be againstthe law.
All the tradenames andregistered trademarks mentionedin this manual or other documentation providedwith your Samsung
product are trademarks or registeredtrademarks oftheir respectiveholders.
1. A sudden rise in atmospherictemperature may causecondensation to form inside the Camcorder.
for example:
• When you movethe Camcorderfrom a cold location to awarm location(e.g. from outside to inside duringthe winter.)
• When you movethe Camcorderfrom acool location to a hotlocation (e.g.from inside to outside during the summer.)
2. Ifthe r_I(DEW) protection feature isactivated, leavethe Camcorder forat least two hours in a dry,warm room withthe
cassettecompartment opened and the Battery pack removed.
1. Do not leave the Camcorder exposed to high temperatures (above60°C or 140°F).
For example, in a parked car inthe sun or exposed to direct sunlight.
2. Do not letthe Camcorderget wet.
Keep the Camcorder awayfrom rain,sea water,and any other form of moisture.
Ifthe Camcorder gets wet, it may get damaged.
Sometimes a malfunction dueto exposure to liquids cannot be repaired.