Advanced Recording
+ The ProgramAE function works only in Camera mode.
4, The ProgramAE mode allowsyou to adjustshutter speeds and apertures to suit different recordingconditions.
+ They giveyou creativecontrol overthe depth of field.
• Auto mode(rx])
Auto balance betweenthe subject and the background.
Tobe usedin normal conditions.
The shutter speedautomatically variesfrom 1/60to 1/250 persecond, depending on the
• Sportsmode(_)
Portraitmode (_)
For focusing on the background of the subject,when the background is outof focus.
The Portrait mode is most effectivewhen usedoutdoors.
The shutter speedautomatically variesfrom 1/60to 1/1000per second.
• Spotlight mode ((D)
For recordingcorrectlywhen there is only light on the subject and not the rest ofthe picture.
• Sand/Snow mode(_)
For recordingwhen peopleor objectsare darker than the background because of reflectedlightfrom sand orsnow.
• High Speed (High Shutter Speed) mode( ,_ )
For recordingfast-movingsubjects such as players in golf or tennis games.
[] 60min
[ Note ]
The ProgramAEfunctionwillnot operatein EASY.Qmode.