Netfinity Manager 77
ager installation instructions, see the documentation
listed in “Getting more information about Netfinity Man-
ager” on page 106.
2. This section provides installation instructions for all
operating systems supported by Netfinity Manager.
However, not all operating systems described in this
section are certified for use with all Netfinity server
models. For a list of supported operating system for
you Netfinity server model, see the Server Proven list
Netfinity Manager documentation
The Netfinity directory on the
ServerGuide Netfinity Applica-
CD contains online versions (*.PDF format) of all Net-
finity Manager documentation. For more information on
included documentation, see “Getting more information
about Netfinity Manager” on page 106.
Netfinity Manager system requirements
The minimum system requirements for Netfinity Manager
vary based on which supported operating system is running
on your system.
• If you are installing Netfinity Manager for OS/2, see
“Netfinity Manager for OS/2 system requirements”.
• If you are installing Netfinity Manager for Windows 95
(or Windows 98), see “Netfinity Manager for Windows
95 and Windows 98 system requirements” on page 78.
• If you are installing Netfinity Manager for Windows NT,
see “Netfinity Manager for Windows NT system
requirements” on page 79.
Netfinity Manager for OS/2 system
The minimum system requirements for Netfinity Manager for
OS/2 are:
• OS/2 version 3.0 or later
• Approximately 19 MB–22 MB of hard disk space
(space required depends on system configuration)
• A LAN adapter card and one or more of the following
communications protocols:
— IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 version 1.2 or later (required
for Netfinity Manager with Web Enhancement)
Note: The Netfinity Manager NetBIOS require-
ments are three names, two sessions, and
nine network control blocks (NCBs).
— SNA (IBM Communications Manager/2 version
1.1 only)