Mobile Apps: Accessing your DVR Using a Mobile Device
You must port forward the
mobile port (default: 1025)
on your router before you can
connect to your system using
a mobile device (e.g.
Blackberry 9000)
NOTE: Blackberry is not supported on ECO Blackbox+
Use the Lore
x Mobile ECO application to connect to
your DVR on a Blackberry smartphone.
• Blackberry 9000, 9700, 9800
• Blackberry Desktop Software
• Obtain your Blackberry’s APN (Acc
ess Point Name) from your service provider, and enable
APN on your Blackberry
NOTE: For the latest device compatibility list, visit w
Step 1 of 2: Downloading and Installing the App
NOTE: For support on downloading or installing BlackBerry apps, consult your BlackBerry’s
user’s manual or www.blackberry.com for support.
1 Go to www.lorextechnology.com, and sear
ch f
or the model number of your DVR (look at the
label underneath the DVR for the model number).
2 Navigate to the product page for your model and download the appropriate app for the
. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a folder.
3 Connect the Blackberry to your computer using a USB cable.
4 Open Blackberry Desktop Software.
5 Click Applications.
Wait for the applications list to populate.
Blackberry Desktop Software