Operating Instructions
2.12 Error Message List
License Registration
Message Cause and Remedy
License registration is complete.
The registration information was
incorrect. Check the registration
code and license key and try
Enter "Registration Code".
Enter "License Key".
• License registration completed normally.
• The registration information was incorrect.
→ Check the registration code and license key
and try again.
• Registration Code space was blank.
→ Follow the instruction message.
• License Key space was blank.
→ Follow the instruction message.
Message Cause and Remedy
Basic Settings
Enter a number in one-byte
character in "Guaranteed
Destination Hard Disk Space".
→ Follow the instruction message.
Enter "Guaranteed Destination
Hard Disk Space".
• Guaranteed Destination Hard Disk Space was
→ Follow the instruction message.
"Guaranteed Destination Hard
Disk Space" should be between
100 and 50000.
• A number not between 100 and 50000 was
entered in the Guaranteed Destination Hard
Disk Space blank.
→ Follow the instruction message.
"Guaranteed Destination Hard
Disk Space" should be less than
the current free space (*** MB).
• Guaranteed Destination Hard Disk Space is
larger than the free space on the drive.
→ Follow the instruction message.