Optical Accessories
4"x4" Production Matte Box MB-16
The 4"x4" production matte box is equipped with two
rotatable filter stages for two 4"x4" push-through filters.
The filter stage has a receptacle at the rear for 4 1/2"
diameters filters and a reflex protection ring. It is
interchangeable with other filter stages. Optional
4"x5,650" or 4"x6" filter frames with gearing for
graduated filters can be used by means of a rotary
knob or the flexible drive. French flags can be firmly
secured with the enclosed holder. Lenses down to a
focal range of 8 mm can be used.
The 4"x4" production matte box is fastened to the
support rods on the bridge plate and can be swung
forwards to facilitate lens changes.
See the information sheet „TECHN. INFORMATION
4“x4" Production Matte Box MB-16".
4"x4" Matte Box MB-17
The 4"x4" matte box is equipped with a rotatable filter
stage for two push-through 4"x4" filters. The filter stage
has at the rear a receptacle for 4 1/2" diameter filters
and a reflex protection ring. French flags can be firmly
secured with the enclosed holder.
See the information sheet „TECHN. INFORMATION
4“x4" Matte Box MB-17".
Light-Weight Matte Boxes LMB-2
and LMB-3
The light-weight matte boxes are fastened directly to the
front diameter of the lens. For the LMB-2 two 3"x3"
filters, and for the LMB-3 two 4"x4" filters can be
pushed into the filter stage. On prime lenses a „Series
9“ filter in an 80mm adapter ring can be used addition-
See the information sheets „TECHN. INFORMATION
Light-weight Matte Box LMB-2“ and „TECHN. INFOR-
MATION Light-Weight Matte Box LMB-3“.