Chapter 1: Getting Started 19
Setting the Date and Time
The camera has a clock that records the date and time at which
you take each picture. This information does not appear in the
image itself, but is recorded in the image properties, which you
can see when viewing the image in the Image Info screen
(page 67), in the Playback menu screen (page 61), or on your
computer. The first time you turn the camera on, the following
screen appears after you choose the language.
1 Adjust the value of the highlighted
selection using the buttons.
2 Press the buttons to move to the
other selections.
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the
correct date, time, and date/time
format are set.
NOTE mm=month, dd=day, and yyyy=year
4 Press the OK button when the proper values are entered.
The Image Display then turns off.
NOTE If you need to go back and change this setting later,
you can do this in the Setup menu. See Chapter 6: Using
the Setup Menu on page 83.
Adjusting the Diopter Control
The rubber eye piece on the viewfinder is a diopter control that
allows you to adjust the focus in the microdisplay. Put your eye
up to the viewfinder, and then turn the diopter control until the
information overlays (such as the number of pictures
remaining, Compression setting, and Resolution setting) are in
focus on the microdisplay. The diopter control has NO effect on
the actual picture you take or video clip you record.