Chapter 4: Using HP Instant Share 73
Using the Share Menu
Once you have set up the Share menu on the camera (see
page 70), you can now use the Share menu. When you press
the Share button on the camera, the most recently taken or
viewed image appears on the Image Display. The Share menu
also displays on the right side of the screen. The following table
describes each of the Share menu options as shown in the
following example Share screen.
# Icon Description
1 Check mark indicates these destinations have been
selected for the currently displayed image. (You can
select more than one destination per image.)
2 E-mail destinations that were set up in this example
Share menu.
3 A website destination that was set up. Other types of
destinations may have different icons.
4 Customize this menu... lets you add more e-mail and
other HP Instant Share destinations to the Share
menu. (See Setting Up the Share Menu on the
Camera on page 70.)