Cisco Systems 5.3.x Digital Photo Frame User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x
Chapter 6 Publish Your Video
Set the Video Interaction Options
You can disable specific interaction features, such as the ability to comment on a video, on a
video-by-video basis if those features have been enabled globally.
You cannot enable a feature for a video if the system administrator has disabled it globally.
Step 1 Expand the Page Permissions, Categories and Options drawer.
Step 2 Disable specific features for this video:
To Disable... Select
Comments (general and timeline) Do not allow comments
Anonymous comments Do not allow anonymous users to comment on this video
Selecting this option forces users to log in if they want to
leave a comment.
Ratings Do not allow this video to be rated
When sorted by rating, videos with ratings disabled appear
higher in the video list than videos with no ratings (a rating
of 0).
Tags Do not allow tagging
Viewers will be unable to add additional tags. You can still
add tags in the video properties.
Video sharing Do not display embedded video code
This will prevent viewers from being able to embed the
video in a web page. They will still be able to share the video
through e-mail or by posting a link to the video.