Cisco Systems 5.3.x Digital Photo Frame User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x
Chapter 7 Create, Add, and Manage Videos
HTML Supported by the Description Field
The following HTML is supported in the Description field of videos:
HTML Element Usage
<a></a> Creates a hypertext link.
Supported Attributes
href (required)—Specifies the URL for the link. The URL must include http://.
target (optional)—Specifies the name of the target window to open the link in.
Use _blank to open the link in a new window or tab.
The links created are not underlined or colored. You must use the <u> and <font>
elements to manually underline and color your links.
Usage Example
-ff6e-4ca0-b08f-f6306a6c0790:1#" target="_blank">See a sample video</a>
<u></u> Underlines text.
Example Usage
You should <u>underline</u> links to make them stand out.
<i></i> Makes text italic.
Example Usage
See the <i>Cisco Show and Share User Guide</i> for more information.
<b></b> Makes text bold.
Example Usage
Click <b>Prepare to Publish</b> to continue.
<p></p> Inserts a paragraph. The line break for the paragraph does not happen before the
opening <p> tag; the line break is inserted after the closing </p> tag.
Supported Attributes
align (optional)—Specify the alignment of the paragraph. Valid values are left,
right, center, and justify. By default, paragraphs are left justified.
Example Usage
<p>This is a paragraph</p><p>This is another</p>
<br> Inserts a line break. Note that you do not use a closing tag.
Example Usage
The next sentence is on a new line.<br>The next sentence.