Cisco Systems 5.3.x Digital Photo Frame User Manual

User Guide for Cisco Show and Share 5.3.x
Chapter 3 Browse and Search Videos
Browse The Public Videos
Sort the Public Videos
You can sort the public video list by newness, most views, ratings, or number of comments.
To sort the list, click one of the following options in the Sort By list:
Newest—The most recently added videos appear at the top of the list. This is the default sort order
of the list.
Most viewed—The videos are sorted in descending order by the number of views.
Highest rated—The videos are sorted in descending order by rating.
Most comments—The videos are sorted in descending order by the number of comments. Both
general and timeline comments count towards the comment total for a video.
Under certain circumstances, the sort by most viewed list may appear to be out of order. Videos with
fewer views can appear higher in the list than a video with more views. This happens when a video author
creates a draft of a public video (for example, to edit some of the video information). Views of the draft
video count towards the overall video views, but are not reflected in the number of views shown in the
Views count of the public video. This situation is corrected when the video author re-publishes the draft