Sony SNCDH110W Security Camera User Manual

CGI Command Manual
ODPre<XXX>Win<YY> "on"/"off" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Enable or disable window.
ODPre<XXX>Win<YY>Mode "det"/"mask" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Select detection area or mask area for each windows.
objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00
Axis of the window.
<number> : "3" - "16"
x and y : (Refer to an appendix.)
ODPre<XXX>ThresholdR "0"to"99" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Threshold of R gain
ODPre<XXX>ThresholdG "0"to"99" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Threshold of G gain
ODPre<XXX>ThresholdB "0"to"99" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Threshold of B gain
ODPre<XXX>MinObjectSize <x>,<y> objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Minimum size of object to be detected. (Refer to an appendix.)
ODPre<XXX>MaxObjectSize <x>,<y> objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Maximum size of object to be detected (Refer to an appendix.).
ODPre<XXX>CandidateFrame "3"to"7" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00
Rough time from an object appears in the scene to the object is
detected. If you turn down this value, the object is detected
more quickly, but false alarm increases.
ODPre<XXX>ShadowCut "on"/"off" objectdetection Objectdetection.cgi 1.00
Od<MM>Mode "mod" objectdetection Objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Moving Object Detection.
Od<MM>Win<N> "on"/"off" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Enable or disable window (1 to 4)
Od<MM>Win<N>Mode "det"/"mask" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Select detection area or mask area for each windows (1 to 4)
"upper left X"/"upper left
Y"/"lower right X"/"lower right
objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00
Axis of the window (1 to 4)
Od<MM>ThresholdR "0"to"99" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Threshold of R gain
Od<MM>ThresholdG "0"to"99" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Threshold of G gain
Od<MM>ThresholdB "0"to"99" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Threshold of B gain
Od<MM>MinObjectSize "X"to"Y" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Minimum size of object to be detected (Refer to an appendix.).
Od<MM>MaxObjectSize "X"to"Y" objectdetection objectdetection.cgi 1.00 Maximum size of object to be detected (Refer to an appendix.).