3-44 Diagnostic Tools
DAAD Diagnostic Messages
Message Description Recommended Action
Logical Drive X
status = WRONG
A physical drive in this logical drive has
failed. The incorrect drive was replaced.
Replace the drive that was incorrectly replaced. Then,
replace the original drive that failed with a new drive.
Do not run the System Configuration Utility to
reconfigure; you will lose data on the drive.
Loose cable
detected - logical
drives may be
marked FAILED
until corrected
Controller unable to communicate with
one or more physical drives, probably
because of a cabling problem. Logical
drives may be in a FAILED state until the
condition is corrected, preventing
access to data on the controller.
Check all controller and drive cable connections.
Mirror data
Data was found at reinitialization in the
posted write memory; however, the
mirror data compare test failed resulting
in data being marked as invalid. Data
loss is possible.
Replace the array accelerator board.
Mirrored memory
location errors
Soft errors occurred when attempting to
read the same data from both sides of
the mirrored memory. Data loss will
Replace the array accelerator board.
No configuration
for Accelerator
The array accelerator board has not
been configured.
If the array accelerator board is present, run the System
Configuration Utility to configure the board, if desired.
SCSI port X, drive
ID Y firmware
needs upgrading
Drive’s firmware may cause problems
and should be upgraded.
Run Options ROMPaq to upgrade the drive’s firmware to
a later revision.
Set configuration
command issued
The configuration of the array controller
has been updated. The array
accelerator board may remain disabled
until it is reinitialized.
Run the System Configuration Utility to reinitialize the
array accelerator board.
Soft Firmware
Upgrade required
DAAD has determined that your
controller is running firmware that has
been soft upgraded by the Compaq
Upgrade Utility. However, the firmware
running is not present on all drives. This
could be caused by the addition of new
drives in the system.
Run the Compaq Upgrade Utility to place the latest
firmware on all drives.
Threshold for
drive (bay) X
This message indicates that a monitor
and performance threshold for this drive
has been violated.
Check for the particular threshold that has been