Chapter 1 Overview
Installed Components
Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Installed Components
The Cisco IPICS installation includes the following components:
• Cisco IPICS Administration Console (Cisco IPICS version 1.0(1))
• Cisco IPICS Data Store (IBM Informix Database Server version 10.0)
• Cisco Security Agent version 4.5
• Tomcat service
System Requirements
This section describes the hardware and software requirements for the Cisco
IPICS server. This section includes the following topics:
• Hardware Requirements, page 1-4
• Software Requirements, page 1-6
Hardware Requirements
The hardware components required to deploy Cisco IPICS include a server on
which you install the Cisco IPICS server software. For users of land mobile radio
(LMR) systems to communicate in Cisco IPICS conferences, you must deploy
one or more routers that are equipped with T1 network modules.
Table 1-1 lists hardware components that Cisco supports for use with the
Cisco IPICS server software:
Table 1-1 Hardware Requirement
Hardware Component Supported Models
Cisco servers Cisco Media Convergence Server (MCS), model
MCS-7825-H1-S31, with 2GB memory
Cisco Media Convergence Server (MCS), model
MCS-7845-H1-S31 with 4 GB memory