Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Installing the Cisco IPICS Server Software
Installing Cisco IPICS Server Software
The Enter Password window displays.
f. Enter the root password and then click OK.
An SSH Tectia Client window displays.
g. To see the contents of the CD, enter the following commands:
[root] #cd /mnt/cdrom
[root] #ls -l
The name of the Cisco IPICS installer file displays with a .bin extension.
h. To copy the file to your root directory, enter the following command:
[root] #cp /mnt/cdrom/<name of Cisco IPICS installer file>.bin .
where name of Cisco IPICS installer file represents the name of the .bin file
that was displayed in Step g.
The file copies from the CD to your root directory.
Transferring the File from the your PC to the Server
a. Place the Cisco IPICS installation CD in the CD drive of your PC.
b. Open the SSH Tectia File Transfer Client by choosing Start >
All Programs > SSH Tectia Client > SSH Tectia Client - File Transfer.
The SSH Tectia File Transfer window displays. The desktop of your PC
displays in the left pane.
c. To open a window for entering the server IP address, click Quick Connect.
The Connect to Remote Host window displays.
d. In the Host field, enter the DNS name or the IP address for your Cisco IPICS
server. Then, press Tab.
e. In the User Name field, enter root. Then, click Connect.
The Enter Password window displays.
f. Enter the root password and then click OK.
The SSH Tectia File Transfer Client connects to the Cisco IPICS server and
displays the contents of the root directory in the right pane of the window.
g. In the left pane of the window, navigate to the directory on your PC to which
you saved the upgrade file.