Troubleshooting and Support
Russian Federation +7 095 7973520 (Moscow)
+7 812 3467997 (St. Petersburg)
Saudi Arabia 800 897 1444 (in-country toll-free)
Slovakia +421 2 50222444
South Africa 086 0001030 (Republic of South Africa)
+27 11 2589301 (international number)
Spain 902 010 059
Sweden +46 (0)77 120 4765
Switzerland 0848 672 672 (German, French, Italian—
Peak time 0.08 CHF/Outside peak 0.04
Tunisia +216 71 89 12 22
Turkey +90 216 579 71 71
Ukraine +7 (380 44) 4903520 (Kiev)
United Arab
800 4520 (in-country toll-free)
United Kingdom +44 (0)870 010 4320
West Africa +351 213 17 63 80 (French-speaking
countries only)