Olympus C-211 Digital Camera User Manual

Check the expiration date on the film packs box, and avoid use of film that has
expired. Film that has passed its expiration date tends to produce red-tinted prints.
It is recommended that you use all of the film promptly after loading it.
Keep the film pack out of direct sunlight when taking it from its original box and
moving it into the camera.
Please read all indications and warnings on the film packs box. But please do not try
to warm up exposed film by placing it in a warm pocket or heating it with a dryer
(even if the box instructions suggest that you do this).
Never reuse a film pack after taking it out of the camera, even if there is film
remaining. Olympus assumes no liability for mechanical failure or print problems
caused by reloading of a film pack.
Store finished Polaroid prints away from light in a cool, dry area.
Polaroid prints stored in darkness at room conditions (below 77˚F and below 50%
relative humidity) should maintain good quality for approximately 25 years, after which
they may noticeably discolor or fade.
Getting Started