Change Camera Server Settings
Items related to recording schedule setting are as follows. Refer to the Camera Server's
manual for details.
User Name and Password
Set the user name and password for the Camera Server. You cannot set them with
Motion detection recording
If the Camera Server is VB-C60, VB-C50i/VB-C50iR, VB-C50FSi, VB-C50Fi, or VB150,
you can configure the Motion Detection settings on the Camera Server.
To configure the Motion Detection settings on VB-C50i/VB-C50iR, VB-C50FSi, VB-
C50Fi, or VB150, use the VB Administration Tools supplied with the Camera Server.
For VB150 (“Video Input” should be set to “Single”), the Motion Detection settings are
configured using the VK-64/VK-16 Motion Detection Settings dialog (➝ P. 125).
The Motion Detection function is not suitable for conditions where high reliability is
required. It is not recommend using this function in situations where high reliability is
required, such as for monitoring purposes. Canon accepts no liability whatsoever for
faults, etc. resulting from the use of the Motion Detection.
Image/Video Quality
You can set the image/video quality. The Motion Detection settings may be affected by
the video quality setting of the Camera Server. When changing the video quality on the
Camera Server, be sure to check the settings for Motion Detection.
Camera Name
Set the name of the camera displayed in the Camera Server list. You cannot set them
with VK-64/VK-16.