Messages Cause
The layout sequence settings will be
overwritten. Are you sure you want
to continue?
A layout with the same name is
already registered. Are you sure
you want to overwrite?
The number of video windows
displaying MPEG-4 exceeds 20. Do
you change it in MPEG-4 as it is?
‘Layout name’ cannot be deleted
because it is currently in use.
The name is not specified. Check
the settings and try again.
The image could not be saved.
Nothing could be saved because no
video was recorded at the specified
The image could not be saved.
The recording settings of this
camera server are not configured
but the server has already been
registered. Check the settings and
try again.
Could not connect to the camera
server. Check the entered
‘Communication Error Messages -
The storage server of this version
does not support the specified
Viewing Screen
Video Layouts
Menu Buttons
Extracting Video
Adding/Editing a
Camera Server
Messages List
An attempt was made to save the
layout sequence with a name that is
already being used for a layout or
layout sequence in the destination
An attempt was made to save the
layout sequence in the folder using a
name that is already been registered
as a layout or layout sequence.
The number of videos where MPEG-
4 was selected as the Selection of
receiving image exceeds 20.
An attempt was made to delete a
layout that is currently being used.
An attempt was made to add a layout
folder without entering the name.
An error occurred when you
attempted to capture a snapshot in
the Video Window.
There are no recorded videos for the
selected segment thus they could not
be saved.
The Windows folder or Program Files
folder was specified as the
destination folder for still frames or
MOV files.
When a camera server configured as
Do not record is already added, an
attempt was made to add or edit a
camera server using the same hot
name/IP address and port number.
Could not connect to the camera
You attempted to register a VB-C300
or VB-C60 with an older version of
the Storage Server.