
Hasselblad H1D
Hasselblad H1D
Exposure compensation
e exposure compensation facility, for both manual and automatic modes can be set from
-5 to +5 EV, in 1/3 EV increments. is facility will adjust the exposures by the set amount
until changed and the setting is visible above the scale in the viewnder and as a ± symbol
on the grip LCD.
To make a xed exposure compensation setting, proceed as follows with the camera in active
1) Press the +/- button on the viewnder.
2) Turn either the front or rear control wheels to increase or decrease the amount of compensa-
tion in 1/3 EV steps.
3) The amount is displayed in the viewnder as both an EV gure complete with a - or +
prex, and as a marker above a - to + scale with central index.
4) Press Save (DRIVE button) to retain the setting. A ± symbol is then displayed between the
aperture and shutter speed setting as conrmation of the setting.