
102 Addendum
6.5.2 ECU - Command Line Interface
The command line interface allows you to create, modify or close ECU windows.
The command line interface can be accessed in a number of ways:
From a shortcut specifying RGBXCMD.EXE as the target followed by the command line
options separated by spaces.
From a command prompt by specifying the full path of RGBXCMD.COM or by having the
folder where the ECU software was installed on the path.
From a batch file. The same rules as command prompt apply.
- Information that you must supply.
Bold - Elements that you must type exactly as shown.
Ellipsis (...) - Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line.
Between brackets ([]) - Optional items.
Between braces ({}) - Set of choices (separated by I) from which you must choose only one.
Courier font - Code or program output.
When a window is created it can be allocated an ID. To modify or close a window, spec-
ify its ID so the correct window is modified or closed.
An ID is any integer between 1 and 65535 inclusive. The ID is specific to ECU windows.
If this command line option is specified with an ID, the window with that ID is closed.
Sets the show state of the window.
To activate a window use Restored.
Switch the maintain aspect ratio feature on or off and specify the ratio of the width and
height of the window.
If Source is specified, the width and height of the source are used as the aspect ratio.
All the values are optional but the commas must be used.
Set the caption of the window. To include spaces, enclose the string in double quotes
Display or remove the current frame rate in the title bar,
Use to specify if the menu bar is to be displayed.
Change the position and size of the window.
All the values are optional but the commas must be used.