
Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 12: Printing Photos
7 To fit your entire photo into the print area, click Fit within area.
- or -
To fill the print area with your photo, click Overlay and crop.
8 Drag your photo or photos from the Tray into the template, and then click
9 Select the number of copies you want to print, and then click Print.
Printing Cards
Greeting cards often require printing on both sides of the paper, so they often
require a few extra steps in the printing process. Quarter-fold cards print on a
single side of the paper and do not require special procedures. Printing a half-
fold card, by comparison, requires that you print on both sides of the paper.
This printing must be done properly so that the text on the inside of the card is
positioned on the correct side and at the correct orientation.
To print a half-fold card:
1 On the File menu, click Print.
2 Select a printer, printer settings, and the number of copies you want to
print, and then click Next.
3 Select the pages to print.
4 Select whether you want to print on one side of the paper or both sides.
5 If appropriate, select the This printer can automatically print on both
sides of the paper check box.
6 Click Print.
Before the card is actually printed, Picture It! may conduct a short print test.
This test will occur the first time you select the option to print on both sides of
the paper if youre using a printer that cannot do it automatically. After the test
is completed, Picture It! will help you correctly insert the card into the printer
for printing on both sides.