
Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 8: Adding Edges, Mats, and Frames
Mats and Frames
If you plan to put a photo in a traditional photo frame, you can add a Picture It!
mat to your photo before you print it. Mats create an elegant effect, and can
also help to fit an oddly-proportioned print to a standard size frame.
If you dont plan to mount a photo in a traditional frame, but would like to print
and display it, use a Picture It! frame instead. You can choose from a variety of
frame themes to complement the subject of your photo. You can even add both
a mat and a frame to the same photo.
Picture It! has a wide variety of mats and frames to finish your favorite photos.
To add a mat or a frame:
1 Select the photo to which you want to add a mat or frame.
2 On the Effects menu, point to Edges, and then click Frames and Mats.
3 Click a theme, click a design, and then click Open.
4 Drag your photo from the Tray into the frame or mat, and then click
5 Move or resize the photo so that it fits within the frame, and then click
6 Click Done.
Choosing the right
When choosing a mat,
consider the colors in
your photo and the
colors of your frame. A
mat should not
overpower the subject
of the photo. Try
selecting a soft-colored
mat that matches one
of the photo’s second-
ary colors.
Editing mats and
Unlike edge effects,
mats and frames are
separate layers in your
photo project. So after
you’ve added a mat or
a frame to your photo,
you can edit the mat or
frame as a separate