
Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 3: Opening Photos in Picture It!
7 Files of type menu Use this menu to change the types of image files to
be displayed.
8 Thumbnails Small versions of your photos stored in the current folder.
9 Open Opens the selected thumbnails.
10 Cancel Closes the file browser without opening any photos.
The file browser provides a quick view of the photos on your compatible
camera or card reader, and allows you to open the photos directly without using
additional programs.
To open the file browser:
On the File menu, click Open.
Opening Photos From a Digital Camera
or Card Reader
Many newer digital cameras are USB Mass Storage Class devices, which allow
the computer to read the photo files on the camera as a virtual drive. Other
cameras use TWAIN or WIA support as a way for the camera to transfer
information to the computer.
If your camera or card reader can function as a USB Mass Storage Class
device, you can connect it to your computer and select the photos as you would
from a CD or disk drive.
and WIA
TWAIN is interface
software that allows
between a camera and
your computer. Many
digital cameras come
with a TWAIN driver.
WIA is a newer
interface that works
similarly to TWAIN, but
often provides more
control over the device.
WIA is compatible with
TWAIN, but is available
only on some computer
operating systems.