
Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 2: Making the Most of Your Camera
5. Follow the Rule of Thirds
When composing a photograph, many beginning photographers always center
their subject directly in the middle of the frame. While this technique may be
the easiest way to get the subject in focus with a point-and-shoot camera, it is
not always the most interesting way to present the subject.
To apply the rule of thirds, divide your scene into three sections horizontally and vertically.
Place the focal point of your photo on one of the intersections of the dividing lines.
Most advanced photographers follow the rule of thirds when composing the
space inside a picture frame. The rule of thirds divides the frame into thirds
both horizontally and vertically, and places the point of interest on one of the
four spots where these dividing lines intersect. The rule of thirds is used
throughout the graphic design world, because it helps to create balance between
the subject and the background.
Following the rule of thirds, the bicycle in this photo lies right on one of the points where the
dividing lines intersect. The top of the dock also roughly follows the horizontal line that runs
one-third down from the top of the frame.
Recomposing a
photo with
Picture It!
After a photo has been
transferred to your
computer, use the crop
tool in Picture It! to
change the composi-
tion. By removing the
edges of the photo, you
can reposition your
subject to comply with
the rule of thirds.