Microsoft Picture It! Companion Guide
Chapter 4: Picture It! Basics
By default, the object handles are visible every time you select an object, but
you can set them so they are not visible.
To show or hide object handles:
On the View menu, click Object Handles.
Moving an object on the canvas
Objects can be moved around on the canvas to change the way your composite
is arranged.
To move an object on the canvas:
1 Select the object.
2 Hold the pointer over the object until the move handle appears, and
then drag the object.
Resizing an object
When you resize an object, you can resize it proportionally, maintaining the
ratio between height and width.
These two objects were originally the same size. A corner resize handle was dragged outward
on the right object, resizing it proportionally.
Resizing to fit
the page
You can automatically
resize an object to fill
the whole canvas On
Format Format
Format Format
Format menu,
point to
Resize ObjectResize Object
Resize ObjectResize Object
Resize Object
to Fit Canvasto Fit Canvas
to Fit Canvasto Fit Canvas
to Fit Canvas, and then
click a resize option.