32 C626M-B (3/05)DX8000 PC Client Application
The DX8000 includes 32 view panels that can display cameras from up to five connected DVR sites.
To assign a single camera to a view panel:
1. Click .
2. In the site tree, click the plus sign (+) next to to expand the tree if necessary.
3. Drag the camera from the site tree onto a view panel.
4. Repeat the process in step 3 for up to 32 cameras from up to five DVR sites.
Figure 29. Dragging a Camera to a View Panel
TIP: To assign all cameras from a single site to the view panels at once, drag onto a single view panel. (The default arrangement of
cameras is Camera1, Camera2, Camera3 – from left to right, top to bottom.)
NOTE: The DX8000 Series DVR supports triplex operation. Triplex operation means the DX8000 will continuously record even while users
view simultaneous live and playback video or modify the system setup.