Cisco Systems OL-15986-01 Security Camera User Manual

Cisco NAC Guest Server Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 15 Sponsor Documentation
Multiple Guest Accounts
Figure 15-12 Print for random account creation
When creating accounts with preset details (by either importing text or creating a CSV file), you can
print, email, or transmit via SMS the guest account details (
Figure 15-11). When you create random
accounts, however, you can only use the print option (Figure 15-12).
The additional options to both of these is the ability to perform the required action for all accounts at the
same time by clicking the <action> All button at the top right of the table.
For the random accounts it is also useful to print the table out so that you can write down the
corresponding guests details for later input in to the Cisco NAC Guest Server.
Viewing Multiple Account Groups
When you create multiple accounts you may want to find the batch of accounts that were created at the
same time. You can accomplish this using one of the following three methods:
Viewing Multiple Account Groups
Finding Multiple Account Groups by username
Finding Multiple Account Groups on the Active Accounts Report.
Viewing Multiple Account Groups
This option allows you to select the batch of accounts that you created.
Step 1 Select User Accounts > Multiple Accounts from the left hand menu (Figure 15-7).
Step 2 Select Show Multiple Account Groups.