film to be scanned.
(Film Thumbnail) or
(Whole Film Image) on the Toolbar to switch views.
Color Mode
Select how to scan the document.
Select this mode to scan color documents or film, or to create color images. This mode renders
the image in 256 levels (8 bit) of R(ed), G(reen), and B(lue).
Select this mode to scan color photos or film. This mode renders the image in 65536 levels (16
bit) of R(ed), G(reen), and B(lue).
Select this mode to scan black and white photos or film, or to create black and white images. This
mode renders the image in 256 levels (8 bit) of black and white.
Select this mode to scan film in black and white. This mode renders the image in 65536 levels
(16 bit) of black and white.
Black and White
Select this mode to scan photos and documents in black and white. This mode renders the
image in black and white. The contrast in the image is divided at certain levels (threshold level)
into black and white and is rendered in two colors. The threshold level can be set with
Some applications cannot display images scanned in Color(48bit) or Grayscale(16bit).
Color(48bit) and Grayscale(16bit) are displayed only when the Enable 48/16 bit Output checkbox
is selected on the Scan tab of the Preferences dialog box.
Scan Tab
Input Size
In thumbnail view, the cropped document size or film size is displayed after preview.
In whole image view, the Paper Size is displayed before preview, and the cropping frame (scan area)
size or film size is displayed after preview.
You can adjust the cropping frame size by entering the values into
(Width) and
Click (Keep Aspect Ratio) and change it to (Locked) to maintain the aspect ratio when you
specify the cropping frame size.
Input size settings are available only when Output Size in Output Settings is Flexible. If you select
a size other than Flexible, a cropping frame calculated from Output Size and Output Resolution is
displayed, and its aspect ratio is fixed.
The values you can enter will be within the range of the selected document size. The minimum
size is 96 pixels x 96 pixels when Output Resolution is 600 dpi, scaled at 100%.
When Auto Crop is performed in whole image view, the aspect ratio will not be maintained since
the size will be prioritized.
See "
Adjusting Cropping Frames" for details on cropping frames.
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Page 231 of 334 pagesInput Settings